Terry Johnston is everywhere.....he is found backstage, shooting burlesque babes and demented gorilla clowns, hobnobbing with some big-wig, important type or leading herds of effusive photogs throughout our fair city. He is my main go-to for all my photo shoot needs and has varieties of sneakers to match ANY outfit combo!
I was excited to finally have him grace Dr. Sketchy's GR with his snazzy self. Next month he will be the featured, celebrity judge!
I have had to cut off my clickin' hand to restrain myself from posting all of the striking images he created from the evening.
To get your hands on Terry, or at least drool over his work, see:
he totally shot the title image for this blog - the caged-unicorn-thought-bubble is a small section of the mural painted by Jeff Vandenburg, located in the beer garden of the Meanwhile Bar.